Organ – Grounding in the Alexander Technique (Pipe)(Musicians)(Psychology)(Pain)(Strain)(Injuries)(Posture)(Albuquerque)

This ebook, An Alexander Technique Approach to Organ Technique, is published on this website in a PDF format. It is very detailed and practical, and it will give you the physical tools you need to take the limits off of your ability to create the accurate organ technique you want without sacrificing your body.
This ebook is also for sale on all AMAZON websites in a KINDLE format.
Located in Albuquerque, New Mexico, U.S.A. (MOVEMENT THERAPY)
Alexander Technique is focused very much on the organist finding UP in her body. UP means that there is an upward flow, upward direction, an upward vector in the organist’s body. This means that the organist is ordering the head to lead the spine upward, so that all of the disks and vertebrae are decompressed, so the organist can have superb posture and technique organization.
Since many organists are pulling downward in their bodies, then it is primarily the Alexander Technique teacher’s job to help these downward pulling organists organize their bodies with an upward flow. But there is an equal and opposite and just as important component to the organization of the body in the Alexander Technique.
It is called GROUNDING, not down. GROUNDING is the body releasing/lengthening in opposite directions muscularly, so that the body is fully expanded in all directions. The reason for this is twofold.
When an organist is grounded, then the organist is feeling the full support of the bench as the legs flow out of the hip joints to the pedals. So, grounding for the organist is the sit bones on the bench and the legs and feet releasing to the pedals.
The second reason for grounding is the downward flow in the legs from the hip joints downward, creates space in the hip joints.
When there isn’t a down flow in a body with a head leading the spine into lengthening at the organ, it means that the organist is playing with bunched up muscles, especially in the thighs. The effect of the locked up thigh muscles on the body of the organist, is to pull the legs up into the pelvis/torso.
Physically it is as if you are trying to pull yourself up off of the bench, and this means you are playing the organ without a base. What do I mean?
So many organists are only aware of their arms, hands, and feet but do not have an awareness that the shoulders float on and are supported by the torso. The torso is supported by the pelvis, and the pelvis is supported by the legs. Even sitting at the organ, it is the musculature of the upper legs – quadriceps, biceps femoris, and psoas, that helps balance the torso upright on the bench.
When this lower body musculature is at ease, releasing to the bench and the pedals, then you are supported from the ground up, but there is another very very important Alexander Technique principle here at work. When you play the organ, it should be with the least amount of muscular work, a balanced body with great posture, and with a high dynamic (high energy).
When you sit for hours playing the organ with unnecessary tension in your legs, then you are doing totally unnecessary work in your body as you play the organ. Since, in the Alexander Technique, we view technique as what the whole body does when you play the organ, then locked legs are compromising your organ technique. This excess tension is exhausting you and keeping you from experiencing yourself as supported from the sit bones up. Simply, you are not grounded.
One final point, whatever you do in your body, no matter how not directly connected to the specific technique of the organ, it will have an effect on interpretation, accuracy, and the effort necessary for you to play, for good or bad.

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An Alexander Technique Approach to Organ Technique

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Ethan Kind

AUTHOR, TRAINER "When you change old habitual movement patterns with the Alexander Technique, whether in playing a musical instrument, running, weightlifting, walking, or typing at a computer, you create an ease of body use that moves you consistently into the zone." - Ethan Kind Ethan Kind writes and is published extensively on all of the above activities. He teaches musicians, athletes, and computer operators how to stop hurting themselves, by showing them how to use their bodies with ease and coordination. He brings a unique perspective to his work, having been a musician and athlete all of his life. After training for three years at the American Center for the Alexander Technique (New York, NY), Ethan received Professional Certification credentials.